"We; besides wanting students to have academic knowledge, skills, and understanding, we also aim for them to have a good character..."
"We; besides wanting students to have academic knowledge, skills, and understanding, we also aim for them to have a good character..."
It is important that the students of Modern Education are individuals who can use and protect their mother tongue well as a priority. Language development is supported with drama, poetry, creative writing, and presentation techniques so that they can express themselves in the right way.
Modern Eğitim College, provide students with the skills to express themselves in front of the public, gain self-confidence and use body language correctly, during stage performances with students.
Skills are developed through free activity classes, thinking skills, mind games, productivity, and visual perception classes in line with the MEB program.
With the workshop and extensive game materials specially designed for this course, intelligence and mind games provide students to develop attention, calculate possibilities, make quick decisions, and use logic effectively and competently.
In art activities in the fields of visual arts and music, the students participate in painting, ceramics, marbling, oil painting, illumination, guitar, piano, and violin, in accordance with their talents.
Reading books is one of the most significant steps in the development of analytical thinking. To create a habit of reading in students' lives, we devote the first 15 minutes of every day to our reading routine at Modern Eğitim College. We also take reading out of the classroom. We support reading environments in the interior areas of the school and in the garden.
In our Social Skills themes;
Self-Management (Learning to Learn) skills,
Problem-Solving skills, (Participation, Sharing, Cooperation, and Teamwork)
Research skills and entrepreneurial skills,
Ability to Use Resources Effectively (Planning and Production),
The ability to perceive time and space correctly,
Methods and techniques such as (1. Question-answer, 2. Verbal Lecture, 3.Drama, 4. Visual reading, 5. Educational game) are used for development.
Discovering the biological, chemical, and physical aspects of the natural world and the relationship between these aspects,
To be able to evaluate the world scientifically and to be conscious of it,
Encouraging curiosity and creativity and helping to understand the world,
Encouraging active participatory experience and inquiry not only in science but in many areas of life, enabling them to make informed and responsible decisions,
Social Studies encourages curiosity and provides an understanding of a rapidly changing world,
It aims to equip students with a deeper knowledge of themselves, others, and their place in an increasingly global society.
It aims to help students understand their personal and cultural identities.
It leads students to understand that others, with their differences, can be right.
It enables students to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to participate effectively in their studies, school, society, and the world.